A “Southern-fired Romp”
A “Southern-fried Romp” writes Rob Neufeld, a Columnist who writes a weekly book feature in the Sunday Edition of the Asheville Citizen-Times…
“The Asheville author’s “southern-fried romp” mixes village doings with a murder mystery and theatrical fun to entertain fans. A production of “The Importance of Being Earnest” is under threat of being killed as had been the leading man’s father.
One of the Wilde lines quoted is ‘You should leave literary criticism to people who haven’t at a university. They do it so well in the daily papers.’
Well, there are very few critics left in the papers, degreed or not, but the show must go on, as does the Pitchkettle Players’ show, Let’s support our local writers and playmakers.
Cash signs her novel at Mountain Made Gallery in the Grove Arcade Asheville, 1-3PM, Dec 14.”